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(Because we make organizing a piece of cake!)
Free Downloads: Updated frequently to showcase our easy-to-use pages
sample Gift Planner Worksheet from “Artfully Organized Christmas Holiday Planner”
Start early in the year and keep track of purchases
Write out a budget and plan accordingy each month … so no surprises / debt
Keep track of what is wrapped
sample Monthly Budget Worksheet from “Financial Wellness Budget and Bill Planner”
Each month go through the exercise of listing bills that are due in each category
Serves as a good reminder that every month looks different financially
Avoid the pitfall of forgetting to add in an irregular bill (billed once or twice a year etc)
Allows you to plan total expenses
sample Blank Monthly Calendar in “Financial Wellness Budget and Bill Planner”
Great for using to track income / pay dates / birthdays / events / upcoming expenses
Use to write when bills are due so that you can see what is due on a monthly calendar
Goal setting at the bottom of each month